As someone who attended Mankato Area Public Schools, has a spouse employed as a teacher, children just a few short years away from entering kindergarten, and is employed in higher education, I deeply understand the importance of public education. I see the immense challenges and stress all of our school staff and children are under and how crucial ensuring their wellbeing and success will be to the future of our community.

As a School Board member, I strive to bring my best thinking toward our collective effort of how we can embrace the opportunities that lie before us to ensure that ALL of our community’s children have access to the best possible education to prepare them to be successful in life. I bring an open mind, a focus on listening, and a commitment to represent my community to the best of my ability.

I am vested in the success of our school district and I bring a set of unique experiences that are directly applicable to my work on the Board and service to our community.

  • Collaboration, compromise, & consensus

    I’ve spent my entire professional career working at and leading non-partisan organizations. I bring to the board a deeply honed ability to treat everyone with respect, ensure all voices are heard, and the recognition that collaboration, compromise, and consensus is the heart of our democratic system.

  • Ongoing experience in education policy

    My professional career has been working in early childhood, K-12, and higher education policy and research at the federal, state, and local levels. This experience, combined with my current role at one of the nation’s leading education innovators, allows me to bring unique insight to the Board as we work collaboratively to capitalize on opportunities from COVID in how we leverage new education models to prepare students for success.

  • Commitment to the success of ALL students

    My commitment to providing a school environment that enables educational success and belonging for ALL students is absolute. It is one of the reasons why I chose to work for a higher education institution that primarily serves underserved learners. I bring this core belief to the Board and desire to lend my best efforts in partnership with the Superintendent and Board members to advance the district’s goal of closing outcome gaps to support, prepare and equip ALL students for the future.

  • Respect and value of school staff

    As the husband of an educator, I witness every day the struggles and remarkable grit of our school staff. I bring a dedication to collaboration, empathy, value, and respect for all staff – whether a bus driver, librarian, teacher, para, administrator, counselor, or cafeteria staff – and the role they play in caring for and educating our children.

  • Financial planning & strategic acumen

    While Vice President at Greater Mankato Growth, I played a leading role in coordinating our strategic planning process, crafting our annual $3.4 million budget to align resources to that plan, and evaluating ROI. I bring that same mindset in partnering with the Superintendent and Board to ensure that the district’s budget aligns with identified priorities and that we hold ourselves accountable to the outcomes we say we want.

  • District facilities

    During my time at Greater Mankato Growth, I led the organization’s effort to review and ultimately endorse MAP’s most recent capital and operating referendums. As the district looks ahead to a bond referendum in the near future, I bring to the Board solid understanding and experience in how to evaluate our district’s infrastructure needs and growth patterns coupled with an ability to effectively collaborate with district staff and Board members in support of efforts to communicate these needs to the public.

  • Community business connections

    During my time at Greater Mankato Growth, I established deep connections with our business community. The need for strong career pathways is more important now than ever and our business community needs to be an even better partner in those efforts. I am working to partner with the Superintendent and Board to leverage those strong connections to the business community and assist our collective work toward supporting the needs of our students through enlisting additional business participation in pathways programing. These connections also allow me to effectively gauge the “pulse” of key community stakeholders and bring that perspective to the Superintendent and Board.

  • Advocacy

    I’ve spent my entire career representing organizations with public officials. As the school district’s funding and operations are significantly impacted by state and federal policymakers, I look to partner with the Superintendent and Board in supporting and advocating for the needs of our district with policymakers across the political spectrum.